Meet our members

The Inland Northwest Early Learning Alliance is a voluntary organization. Members are parents, caregivers, and/or agency and community leaders who have access to the needed skills and capacities to make decisions and champion action. Individuals and organizations are invited to join INWELA based on their specific role in the community and their commitment to INWELA’s mission. Every effort is made to ensure INWELA represents regional, geographic, ethnic, and racial diversity.

Barbara Sattler

Central Valley School District | Early Learning Program Director

Bree West

RISE Network

Bri Buckingham

Community Colleges of Spokane | ECEAP Education Specialist

Elena Mierau

Department of Health | Universal Developmental Screening Education and Outreach Consultant

Julie German-Murrey

Rosalie Murrey Memorial Foundation | Co-Founder and Director

Kristena O’Hara

Vanessa Behan | Program Director

Riley Wing

Transitions | Director of EduCare

Sandra Szambelan

NEWESD 101 | Director, Center for Early Childhood Services

Shelly Nelson

Children’s Home for Society of Washington | Community Outreach Representative

Tiffany Pederson

Community-Minded Enterprises | Early Learning Coach